Benefits of the SonoCiné Ultrasound 

A significant aspect of women's health is checking the breasts for cancer. Breast Cancer can be hereditary, hormonally induced, or even due to environmental circumstances. As a woman, the emerging risk levels should be noted, along with your menstrual history, breastfeeding, and exposure to chemicals through lifestyle choices. Drinking, for example, or using toxic cosmetics can all increase your risk factor for breast cancer. 

Another risk factor for breast cancer in dense breasts, meaning you have more fibrous and glandular tissue and less fatty tissue than women who don't have dense breasts. This is common, but it also hinders the visibility of cancer in the breasts upon examination. The traditional breast exam includes a mammogram; however, this process isn't as effective as the SonoCiné. It is recommended that women between the ages of 45-54 should have a breast exam annually, and women aged 55+ every two years.

What is a SonoCiné Ultrasound?

Apt question! The SonoCiné is a machine that offers an automated whole breast ultrasound. Often with a mammogram, there is a challenge in seeing cancerous cells in women with dense breast tissue and/or implants. Therefore a mammogram isn't as effective for all women. The SonoCiné is an inclusive process dedicated to observing the whole breast, including the axilla (underarm/lymph nodes.) 

Axillary breast tissue is excess breast tissue that may also masquerade as armpit fat. This can sometimes also be cancerous and should be included as part of your breast examination. The SonoCiné process consists of this as part of the ultrasound, and as noted, measures broadly within the entire chest region

Fitting like a sports bra, the SonoCiné camisole holds your breasts in place during the exam, and the technician applies a patented hydrogel nipple pad dedicated to increasing patient comfort and offering better imagery of the nipple region.

The patient lies on their back as her entire breast region is scanned thoroughly from a handheld device, from collarbone to the lower margin of the breast. It is about a half-hour process, and it is also more comfortable than the squeeze of a traditional mammogram. The content is captured to video for the doctor to review with complete focus after the initial exam with the patient present. "This method of review has been shown to increase the detection of cancers as small as 5mm – 10mm in size."

Advantages over the Mammogram

As noted, a traditional mammogram cannot always detect cancerous tissue in dense breasts. Therefore, there are more chances of inaccuracy and missing the opportunity for early detection. The SonoCiné Ultrasound offers a far more robust and complete approach to monitoring your breast health. It is also more inclusive because it can detect cancerous tissues for women with implants and those with various breast sizes, shapes, etc. Women's health as an industry and scientifically strives toward more inclusivity, and the SonoCiné thinks of all women. A one size fits all approach needs to be evolved from in the traditional breast exam. 

Are you interested in a SonoCiné Ultrasound? Book your appointment today!

The Hall Center is fortunate to have a SonoCiné machine on-site in our Santa Monica offices. We love the SonoCiné Method and how it improves the Women's Health industry by supporting our patients and the way we work to help optimize all women's health. Call (310) 566-6688 or email us at to make an appointment for your SonoCiné Ultrasound today!

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